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The creation of this world is made up of diverse creatures, trees and plants along with live in them. That every creature has his kind and category, and that has been created with the familiar and popular and there were not met and discovered. And some of these are the plants that until now have not been found or recognized by their nature and importance. But if we think why there are things – things quickly discover and identify, while there are things that we did not notice because of the lack of idea what they are. That if there was an effective way of things, maybe it’s the studies and research to identify these things from their origin to their category.

In the picture we can see a plant that could be a wild plant, but when we look at it provides the glamor and color to our environment. The said one thing here about most people is not known, what kind of plants and what the source. But on the other hand it is more fun when you look at such plants can give them joy and enthusiasm in the hearts and minds and it gives a clear sight because of its green color. Where there is a mystery surrounding the plant that I feel speaks by his appearance. One also sad to say little farther – well beyond our reach, but still not discover all the things of this world. Our time is filled – filled with what self – learning, observation and verification, but until now there are still many questions come to the multitude. Like the plant in the picture is also desired to know its type, it was just because he was not able to say what he could do to help humanity. Because plants are mainly herbal medicine in the first ever time.

How many more questions can come before discovering the importance of such plant? That if we read some verses of the bible, the plant has plenty of evidence that it does heal diseases. And it has plenty of proof, but even if it were proven, there are still opposed they do in the human body. But the mysterious plants we see in the picture is the chief – still full of questions what kind of plant it and what its category. I hope this plant have also given the opportunity to speak to such a plant, and so it will be recognized and what they can share with our lives and that every time around them will not regretting and it is to be further preserved properly. I ponder – reflect this mysterious plant was created for the people, what they lack in ability, but they speak through their forms, classifications and emerging areas where they grow and that they may perceive and see. But being mysterious they remained only in questions and in our eyes, but in fact they were serving paradise in a sad place. They serve as color around so that it might have life. They are caused by positive energy to people and all creatures.

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